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Code of Conduct

What is good and bad behaviour for LINAK suppliers?

We have high expectations of ourselves and of our business partners. LINAK respects the principles of international conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the core labour conventions of the International Labour Organisation.

And, we expect our suppliers to share our commitment. This is why we have laid out our expectations in a Code of Conduct.

These include:

  • granting workers freedom of association
  • rejecting all forms of forced labour
  • rejecting child labour
  • not exceeding the legal limit on working hours
  • rejecting discrimination
  • supporting a precautionary approach to environmental challenges and working actively to reduce environmental impact
  • rejecting corrupt practices

LINAK reserves the right to monitor suppliers to ensure they comply with our Code of Conduct.

Our Code of Conduct has been added to our supplier quality agreement and must be signed by suppliers. Suppliers that do not live up to our Code of Conduct will be required to commit to an action plan with points for improvement. If a supplier is unwilling to do so, LINAK reserves the right to terminate our agreement.

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