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News 4 July 2019

Knowledge sharing at new actuator learning academy

Are you looking for more detailed knowledge about electric linear actuators, and would you like to dive into the rather complex and rich technology behind actuators for industrial use? Then you are in luck. The brand new ‘Actuator Academy™’ has opened, granting you access to an entire learning universe about actuators.

Now it is possible to explore all aspects of what makes an actuator a good industrial actuator and the technology behind it. The newly founded ‘Actuator Academy™’ is a library of videos and information, explaining the main components and how they influence the performance of linear actuators. At the academy you can learn about intelligent actuator control, how industrial actuators are tested, as well as get a number of tips on what to be aware of when looking for the right electric movement solution.

Celebrating 40 years of industrial movement solutions
For 40 years LINAK has provided electric actuators for industrial machinery across the world. We would like to share some of the knowledge accumulated over the years. To mark our anniversary, we decided to open the Actuator Academy.

“If you are curious about technology and would like to expand your knowledge about electric movement solutions, this is the place to go,” says Morten Junker, Director of LINAK® TECHLINE®

“However, the Academy could also apply to you, if you are looking for an electric movement solution for an application. It will give you a head start in your decision process”.

In addition to sharing knowledge and thereby creating awareness about actuator technology, Morten Junker also hopes to inspire young engineers to push the development of electric movement even further. 

Academy is an ever-developing library of knowledge
The Actuator Academy opens with a variety of content about everything from actuator brakes and clutches to DC motors and spindle design. However, according to Morten Junker this is just the beginning.

LINAK Actuator Academy Logo

“We have opened a library of videos and information explaining some of the main components of a modern electric linear actuator. But, we aim to continually add more material to the Academy.
We have much more to tell,”
Junker concludes.

Welcome to the LINAK® Actuator Academy for Industrial actuators.


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