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News 10 September 2019

Elevate your desk design – introducing DL PLUS™ with invisible gliding pads

Manufacturers of adjustable office desks now have even more options when designing office desks. LINAK introduces an invisible gliding pad version of the popular lifting column DL6, called DL6 PLUS. Its clean design adds extra refinement to exclusive desk designs.

DL6 is now available as a PLUS option for lifting columns with invisible gliding pads

As clean design is a predominant focus element when creating adjustable office desks or furniture for meeting rooms, LINAK now offers an optimised design option for lifting columns.

We call this design DL PLUS™.

It comprises LINAK® lifting columns with invisible gliding pads, making the column profiles appear smoother and more pristine. This enables your designers to accommodate the discerning customer, who wants to appear top of his/her game.

Expanding the options for DL lifting columns even further
DL PLUS is yet another option for the extensive DL lifting column portfolio. Its first introduction will be for the highly popular lifting column DL6, which is now available in no less than 7 variants – the DL6 Standard, DL6 IC (Integrated Controller), DL6 with bench brackets or mounting bracket, DL6 PIEZO™ , a 1,200 N edition for heavy workstation designs – and now the DL6 PLUS.

Plug & Play icon

Plug and Play™ – everything fits together
Like all DL lifting columns, the new DL6 PLUS is also designed for Plug & Play, meaning it is compatible with almost any product in the DESKLINE® product family. In short, this means that you do not have to worry about your system when adding DL PLUS to your catalogue. Everything fits and works together smoothly.


If you want to know more about DL PLUS or want to explore the options for your desk system, please contact your local LINAK® office.

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