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News 1 May 2018

New initiatives help hospitals fight bacteria efficiently

At the hospital in the Danish city of Horsens, bacteria is fought by machine-washing the adjustable beds – including the electric actuator systems attached.

New initiatives help hospitals fight bacteria efficiently

Every year approx.  3,000 people in Denmark die because of an infection they have acquired in hospital. This figure is 18 times higher than the number of people who die in road accidents. Denmark has strict requirements for hygiene levels in hospitals and in recent years, Danish hospitals have sharpened their focus on hygiene.

Horsens regional hospital – an ‘innovation hospital’
A few years ago, the regional hospital in Horsens was named ’innovation hospital’ and here they have really given unwanted bacteria a fight thanks to an advanced automatic wash system that cleans everything from beds to ceiling sheets in the operating rooms. The wash tunnel is just one of the many initiatives the Regional Hospital has taken to increase hygiene.

Søren Møller, Service Manager at the Regional hospital in Horsens, explains about the advantages of an automatic wash system: ”There is focus on the fact that future aids and materials are machine-washable because this makes them much cleaner. The machine cleans many of the things that were previously uncleaned or were cleaned by hand,” he says and elaborates:  ”Today, something I always bear in mind when deciding to buy is whether things can be cleaned. We must be able to clean all the nooks and crannies efficiently. Otherwise, they are not suitable for use in a hospital.”

The hospital bed in the wash tunnel at the Regional hospital in Horsens

The hospital bed in the wash tunnel at the Regional hospital in Horsens

The beds at the Regional Hospital in Horsens are equipped with actuator systems from LINAK so that they can be adjusted to the need of the individual patient. Søren Møller stresses that ”it is an absolute must that LINAK thinks washability into the systems. We would not buy the beds or aids on which they are placed if they were not washable. All items on the bed must be able to be washed in the wash tunnel, otherwise it will not work,” he says.

Søren Møller – Service Manager
Søren Møller – Service Manager

Read the whole story about Horsens hospital and their experiences with using washable products from LINAK here

LINAK takes part in the fight against bacteria, and all products and systems used in healthcare applications comply with all required international standards. Some even exceed these requirements, as we often test far more than norms require – such as when it comes to washing. This is what the LINAK label “IPX6 Washable DURA™” indicates.

For further information, please contact your local LINAK subsidiary or distributor 


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