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News 20 February 2020

Hand controls that fit into the modern bedroom

Design matters to consumers. It should matter to you as well.

Design of the HC40 is based on facts from our user-survey

We all know that feeling of having something for purely functional reasons. The aesthetics do not appeal to you, so instead of leaving it on a tabletop, it goes in a drawer whenever you are not using it.

In our survey about consumer behaviour, we discovered how much the design of a bed actually matters to the ordinary consumer: a lot! This of course carries through to the hand control, which the market has done little to change for quite some time.

It is time for a change. We do not want the hand control for an adjustable bed to be a necessary evil – or in some cases – an eye sore. That is why we asked actual users and created the HC40 family of hand controls, which are not only the most luxurious-looking hand controls on the market, every detail tended to by designers. These hand controls are also very user-friendly, with features created based on user-feedback.

Even better: they can be used both for beds with only leg/back adjustment, as well as those beds with more functionality.

Find out what else the consumers told us right here.

Get more information about the HC40 family at:


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